Calling all cooks to the Olympia Fig!

HWB volunteers are providing our partners at the Interfaith Works Shelter System in Olympia Washington a home cooked dinner most  Saturday evenings, and 2 brown bag lunches per week - one on Saturday and one on Sunday.   We also provide a brown bag "lunch" Friday evenings for the downtown Street Outreach at the shelter. 


We prepare these meals at the Olympia Fig (1713 State Ave NE, Olympia), and usually need 3-4 volunteers on Saturday (the really busy day) and 2 on Sunday.  


 HWB Volunteers 

Ward, Gerry, Melodie, and Natasha 

We also benefit from regular donations of supplies we use for our lunches and dinners!



Check out these inspiring young cooks delivering Sunday Lunch to the Shelter in downtown Olympia!


If you would like to join in the effort, please contact us!